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A Strong Infrastructure for Your Smart Home Design A Strong Infrastructure for Your Smart Home Design

Don’t Skip a Reliable Foundation for Smart Devices

What once felt like a feature in sci-fi movies is now a reality in homes nationwide. Smart home technology allows us to automate and connect all of our IoT devices from the kitchen to the backyard. Between smart lighting and security systems, home automation lends a helping hand to make our homes safer and more comfortable.

If you’re interested in turning your house ‘smart,’ you won’t want to cut corners. Faulty technology that doesn’t work will leave you frustrated and regretful. To ensure your system functions flawlessly, you’ll need to partner with a company that knows the importance of a strong foundation and can deliver it with confidence. A professional smart home design makes all the difference, and here’s why.

We’re Different

While Albert Einstein never said, "the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result," he probably should have. What prompted this thought are some of my observations surrounding the recent BRAVAS announcement.  Since we announced the merger, the most common question I’ve heard has been “This hasn’t worked in the past, why will it work this time?”

Our answer is, as most would expect, we are not doing the same thing all over again. In fact, we are doing something truly different. The most notable of those previous attempts to consolidate luxury integrators was VIA.  Without the insights, guidance, and support we have received from the VIA team, among others, BRAVAS would have likely never materialized. Those industry leaders have been generous with their support and honest with their feedback, and we are incredibly grateful for their support.  With that support, we have created a plan to do things differently.  I would like to use this opportunity to share with you some of our beliefs and some of the things BRAVAS has already accomplished – even in just a few short weeks.

Summer out of the City: Incredible Getaways for the Season Summer out of the City: Incredible Getaways for the Season

Dive into Summer with These Unbelievable Destinations

Now that summer has officially begun, there’s plenty of baseball and backyard barbecues to tide you over until the leaves start changing colors. But if you’re looking to ditch the ordinary and dive into something new, you’ve come to the right place.


Whether you’re looking to dance the night (and day) away with a May Tai in hand, or you want to enjoy a little peace and quiet this season, we have a list of great summer escapes you can enjoy away from home. Ready to start your adventure? Keep reading.


The Complete Bravas Guide to Window Shades The Complete BRAVAS Guide to Window Shades

How to Find the Perfect Shades That Work for Your Home’s Aesthetic

Few design elements can bring a room together like window shades. Whether you want to accent a wall, complement the decor, or control the amount of daylight that reaches your room, shades are the perfect way to accomplish every goal.

Modern, automated shading systems are even compatible with smart control technology so that you can adjust your shades, lights, and other electronics with the touch of a button. How your shades look and function is important, along with how you control them. So, here's how to choose shades the BRAVAS way. Keep reading for more.

Outdoor Dining Experiences to Savor This Summer Outdoor Dining Experiences to Savor This Summer

Enjoy These Eateries Before the Season Ends

Now that we can enjoy a little warm weather, there’s nothing like eating a great meal under the stars. Summer is the time to enjoy a good, old-fashioned outdoor barbecue. And there’s plenty of fun to be had with a picnic by the pool. And when you’re ready to get out of the house, there are plenty of seasonal, outdoor eateries to enjoy. Here, we’ll highlight some of the outdoor dining experiences you can enjoy across the country. Keep reading for more.

Craft the Ultimate Home Gym Craft the Ultimate Home Gym

Get into Summer Shape with These Upgrades

The late-May weather means a lot of things. Blockbuster movies at the theater, barbecue in the back yard, and plenty of time spent at the beach. That last one can be the cause of anxieties for a lot of people. Now that spring is winding down; you're going to need to get into summer shape. Thankfully, there are plenty of new home gym trends that you can enjoy to help make the process easier. How can you build the ultimate home gym this year? Keep reading to find out.

Teeing Off on America’s Best Kept Secret Golf Courses Teeing Off on America’s Best Kept Secret Golf Courses

These Destinations Come in Well Below Par

With an amazing Masters tournament just behind us, golf season is officially upon us. But if you’re suffering from overcrowded greens or too-familiar holes you may be looking to spice up your game. One of the best ways to do it is by exploring a hidden gem -- and checking out one of the best-kept secret golf courses you can find in the country.

Ready to get started? Check them out below!

Outdoor Music Systems are Heating Up! Outdoor Music Systems are Heating Up!

Why there’s never been a better time to reinvent your outdoor space

In the past 5 years,  there’s been a rediculous amount of new tech for the backyard, from color changing LED lighting to WiFi and outdoor music. For the past decade or two, all anyone had was speakers hidden inside fake rocks.  Now, you can surf the web, change your pool and landscape colors, heat the jacuzzi, and pick your favorite song from your chair.

As a result, nearly every speaker manufacturer in the country is scrambling to dominate the category.  Making these amazing speaker systems that resemble outdoor lighting fixtures and other contemporary shapes and styles, designers, architects, and homeowners can all rejoice at the sound that compliments the surroundings.  Because all of these look and sound amazing, each speaker company is coming up with ways to differentiate themselves and/or be the price leader.  Below are just a few of the discounts going on right now:

Make a Statement: Digital Art for Your Home Make a Statement: Digital Art for Your Home

Hide Luxurious AV Solutions in Plain Sight

Technology has a peculiar relationship with design. In many cases, it’s essential for crafting the look you want. But interior designers still tend to stay away from adding devices to rooms, fearing clunky components will detract from client’s unique aesthetic.

Of course, sophisticated fans of technology understand that in today’s world, there’s very little difference between convenience and style. Luckily, you don’t have to sacrifice one for the other. Find out how you can enjoy the best of both worlds with the latest AV technology.

Be the King of Your Backyard This Spring Be the King of Your Backyard This Spring

Step it Up with Smart Lighting, Fireplaces and More

The best time of the year is right around the corner – nothing beats spending some downtime enjoying your property with friends and family. Whether you want to whip up something savory and seasonal in your outdoor kitchen, kick back and watch a ballgame, or just bask in the warm weather, this is the time to do it.

But there are plenty of ways design and technology can help make your big backyard plans come true. Keep reading to find out what you need to know for an incredible season.

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