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How to Watch TV Outdoors in the Sun!

How to Watch TV Outdoors in the Sun!

There is something special about watching a game outdoors on your patio or even in your garden. Some of us live in a climate where this is possible for the Superbowl, but many of us need to wait for warmer months to get outdoors.

Wherever you live and whatever you watch, there is something to consider when putting your TV outside the walls of your home. In this blog, we will review some of the issues and recommend a great TV for your outdoor upgrade – from one of our favorite brands, Seura.

Come Rain or Shine

The first and most prominent issue is the sun and how much will be on your TV. If you are putting the TV on a covered porch or shady area, then there are TVs designed for that sort of use. A good example is the Seura Shade Series 2™ which comes in sizes from 43 to 75 inches. Like all the TVs we will review, it is fully weatherproof, but you should consider a cover for those horrible days if you get a lot of rain or snow. The TV is, of course, 4K, and with 700-nit brightness, it is up to 140% brighter than typical indoor TVs.  Its operating temperature is -24°F to 140°F, so it should work for most of the USA!

If your TV is in full sunlight, then you will need to rethink the TV. There are TVs designed to be placed in full-on sunlight. An example of one is the Seura Ultra Bright. This TV is available in three sizes: 55 inches, 65 inches, and 86 inches. Like the last Seura TV, it is entirely weatherproof and 4K. This TV includes what Seura calls Extreme Temperature Protection™ and a 1000-nit Brightness. The TV will also operate from -40°F to 140°F - so good for really anywhere in the USA.


Sound and Control

While Seura and other manufacturers offer great soundbars, it might be worth considering how to integrate your TV into your whole-home system. There is at least a couple of important consideration before you install that TV.

First, if you have an outdoor TV, it probably means that you enjoy other outdoor living experiences. One of those experiences will be music while you socialize or BBQ. While you can have music play through the TV, the sound will never match what a few carefully placed outdoor speakers can achieve. Using the same audio system as the rest of your home can make the transition from inside to outside feel seamless.

Secondly, whatever system you use to manage the technology in the home should also control the technology outside. That means you have a single integrated approach to security, power management, and safety.


Right people for the job

Having found the perfect Seura TV, sorted out your sound system, and planned your outdoor life, you mustn't miss the last step. Now you need to think about partnering with the right people to get the work done.

BRAVAS can bring critical skills to the scenario. Firstly, we are used to working in high-end and luxury homes. That means we know how to do the work and make it look great. Looking attractive does not just mean no wire or cables are hanging out annoyingly, but it often means making the technology mostly invisible (clearly not the TV, but you get the point).

Finally, it means you can trust us to do a professional job. That means picking the correct mounts, cables, and accessories that work well outside, last a long time, and can be maintained. This is a big issue when your equipment is outside in the sun, snow, and rain. What's more, we back our work with a two-year warranty1 and will add a year when you buy a service contract.


*Note: Warranty on the TV will depend on which TV is chosen and what extended warranty options are offered.

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