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The Smart Home Revolution with Home Experience Designers

The Smart Home Revolution with Home Experience Designers

Why Early Collaboration is Key to Success in the Industry

The smart home revolution is here, and with it comes both exciting opportunities and unique challenges for architects, builders, and designers. Integrating cutting-edge technology into luxury homes is no longer a trend—it's an expectation. 

However, key results from our recent industry survey revealed that many architects and builders still need help planning and integrating smart home technology. Addressing this challenge is critical if the industry is to meet the evolving demands of high-end homeowners. We explore the topic further below, so keep reading.

MORE ON SMART HOMES: Find Inspiration in Our Gallery

The Problem: The Knowledge Gap

According to the survey, 65% of architects and builders report having the most difficulty during the initial design and planning phases of integrations.

The root of the problem lies in a gap between their expertise and the specialized knowledge required for advanced home automation systems. While architects excel at creating stunning designs and builders focus on structural integrity and functionality, neither group is typically trained in the nuances of integrating technologies, such as automated lighting, motorized shades, climate control, and security systems.

This gap leads to costly mistakes. Retrofitting smart home systems into a home that wasn't designed for them is often a complex and expensive process. Wires have to be run through walls that were never intended to accommodate them, and the end result is usually less seamless than what could have been achieved with proper planning from the beginning.

BRAVAS Narrows the Knowledge Gap

One of the most critical insights from the survey is the importance of involving custom integrators, or as we now refer to ourselves, Home Experience Designers, early in the project timeline. 

Early collaboration delivers expertly integrated tech that blends into the home’s design, but it also saves time and money. Of those surveyed, 28% of architects and builders already rely on integrators during the design phase, and they are reaping the benefits. 

By having a seat at the table from the very beginning, technology experts can anticipate potential challenges, optimize systems for future upgrades, and work hand-in-hand with architects and designers to create truly harmonious living environments.

It Begins with A Shift in Thinking

The survey shows that while many architects and builders acknowledge the growing importance of smart technology, only 19% regularly work with custom integrators. Luckily, the tide is turning. As more homeowners demand integrated technology that enhances their lifestyles, the need for these collaborations is becoming more apparent to all stakeholders.

Imagine a home where every system—lighting, climate, entertainment, shading, and others—works together seamlessly and can be controlled effortlessly from a single interface.

Achieving this standard requires a new way of thinking about home design. It's not just about the walls, windows, and finishes anymore. It's about creating a living space that intuitively responds to its inhabitants' needs.

Contact Your Local Home Experience Designer

No longer an afterthought in the construction process, BRAVAS sees its role as a vital partner alongside architects, builders, and designers. By providing the expertise needed to integrate advanced solutions, BRAVAS ensures that today's homes are aesthetically stunning, future-ready, smart, and intuitive.

As more industry professionals recognize the benefits of early collaboration with Home Experience Designers, the market for luxury homes will continue to evolve.

The message is clear: true luxury today is not just about beautiful design or premium materials. It’s about a home that effortlessly adapts to its owner’s lifestyle, offering convenience, security, and comfort at the touch of a button.

By leading the conversation on smart home integration, BRAVAS is helping to shape the future of luxury living—one home at a time.

Want to learn more about what BRAVAS can do for your next project? Schedule a consultation today.

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