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Bravas Appears in Colorado Builder Magazine

BRAVAS Appears in Colorado Builder Magazine

Lighting Control has become arguably the most important category in the luxury smart home. We interact with our lights consistently throughout the day, and almost always in the same ways. We turn on the same lights to make breakfast day after day. We turn off the same lights before bed night after night. Lighting is a powerful thing to automate.

With the prevalence of LED lighting, and an increasing number of people working from home there are even more reasons that a quality lighting control system, like those from Lutron, Savant and Ketra, makes sense for the modern Colorado home. Great lighting can make a home more attractive, more livable, and can even improve mood and focus.

Andy Cochran, of BRAVAS Colorado, recently wrote an article for Colorado Builder Magazine about the value of incorporating smart lighting control into the home. Take a look, and please let BRAVAS Colorado know if we can help make your home a better place to spend time.

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