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3 Compelling Benefits of Landscape Lighting

3 Compelling Benefits of Landscape Lighting

Landscape lighting is certainly not uncommon in luxury homes, but most homeowners don’t grasp the full value and potential of a great landscape lighting system. The benefits to curb appeal are dramatic, but we have included three additional reasons to have your local landscape lighting company, BRAVAS, design an outdoor lighting system for your home below.

Expand Your Livable Space

In our clients homes most backyard upgrades are six-figure projects. For that type of investment, our homeowners are expecting an increase in their livable square footage in the form of entertaining, dining, and relaxation spaces. For the most part they get exactly what they are looking for…during the day. But once the sun sets these spaces often go unused. A well-designed landscape lighting system can make these outdoor spaces even more beautiful and useable at night, as we now have complete control over the light.


Make Your Home Feel Larger

One benefit of landscape lighting that surprises most people when they see it, is how much more expansive it makes the inside of the home feel. Everyone has had the experience of being in a brightly lit home at night, where the windows simply appear like pitch-black rectangles. This feeling is constricting, and honestly it can be a little creepy knowing that someone could be just outside your window without your knowledge. A good exterior lighting system allows your view to pass straight through the window, taking in your outdoor spaces and giving you the feeling of having more space than you do.


Increase Your Safety

Finally, landscape lighting systems are known to reduce the likelihood of a break-in by not allowing a potential thief a dark space to work. It also provides the homeowner with the ability to see the entirety of their property when designed correctly. Knowing that the entire property is covered provide a sense of safety and comfort every bit as important as the actual improvements to safety.


If you have a beautiful home that you want to look better, appear bigger and feel safer, give your local BRAVAS branch a call today. We can design, install and maintain the lighting system that will make your exterior as beautiful and comfortable as your interior.

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