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Adding Sophistication and Style with Technology Adding Sophistication and Style with Technology

Minimize the Clutter and Streamline Your Technology

As one of the first significant streaming hits of 2019, Marie Kondo's Netflix phenomenon Tidying Up highlights the distinct relationship between decluttering your home and living a better, more fulfilling life. And while she may be talking about cleaning out closets, architects and designers should pay close attention to her methods.

The lifestyle guru behind the KonMari Method recently told Elle Magazine: “... in the past, most of my clients were interested in organizing. Now, my clients are mainly interested in a life that is more centered around mindfulness and wellness.”

The popularity of her new show indicates an interest in reducing clutter on the path to wellness. And few things can clutter a room more quickly than technology components.

When you're designing your next project, consider factoring in the reality of the role technology plays in the day-to-day lives of your clients. Create a space where the devices remain useful, but they don't dominate the look or feel of the room.

Here, you’ll find some interesting modern solutions that will help you design a less cluttered, more mindful space for your clients. To get more out of the sophistication and style of hidden technology keep reading.

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