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Will We Ever See Voice Control for Commercial Automation?

Will We Ever See Voice Control for Commercial Automation?

After Making a Splash at Home, Is the Office the Next Step for Alexa?

This is pretty easy to imagine: a business owner has a smart automation system installed in their home and falls in love with the simplicity of voice control. The next thing you know, they’ll want to integrate the technology with the system in his Medford, NJ office, retail space or warehouse. So why don’t we see more voice control for commercial automation? In this blog, we’ll explore why the user-friendly tech has been so slow in coming to the professional sphere. Read on for more.

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The Security of Voice Control

Voice control has its benefits, but it’s also intended specifically for the home. The assumption is that only you and members of your family will be using the device, so that means manufacturers pay relatively little attention to security concerns. And while Google has already implemented some voice recognition capabilities with its Assistant platform, it’s not protected on a professional quality level.

The lack of security features means that many of the connected components of a commercial system are automatically ruled out for voice control. Integrated smart locks, surveillance systems and other important devices wouldn’t be effective if anyone could access them with ease.

So how does voice control fit into the commercial landscape?

Where We Might See Commercial Voice Control

There’s no denying that voice control is exciting, and we’ll probably see it appear in businesses soon. So how will it show up? Here are a few ideas:

  • Boardrooms: With so many devices running at once, many business owners may enjoy the convenience of spoken commands for their boardroom automation system. One phrase can dim the lights, lower the shades and start the projector for a quick and easy presentation. That means less time on set up and more time for getting business done.
  • Individual Offices: While security concerns may prevent many business owners from integrating voice control throughout their building, individual offices can benefit. Raising or lowering the temperature, turning on video monitors and other commands will help simplify a busy workday.
  • Hospitality: As smart automation grows in popularity, many hotel guests are starting to expect the same level of convenience during their stay that they would have at home. That means hotel owners will want to consider integrating simple voice control inside hotel rooms. In the next few years, we may see it popping up in penthouse suites, but with the technology becoming more affordable, we could soon see it in every room.

Technology continues to change and grow, and you’ll continue to have questions. If you want to learn more about how commercial automation can benefit your business, contact Hi-Fi Sales today by filling out this short form or calling us at 856-751-1100.

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