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Why Would You Want a Lighting Control System?

Why Would You Want a Lighting Control System?

There Are More Benefits Than You Might Think

You may have heard of lighting control systems or home lighting control.

If you are looking into a new home build, a remodel or perhaps looking at upgrading older lighting in your existing home; you may be wondering what such a system can do for you. 

You might think that one of the big benefits would be in energy savings – and you’d be right, that’s a great reason to invest in lighting control.

But there are other big advantages to lighting control in your home in Westlake or Colleyville - in convenience, added luxury, and peace of mind.  Read on to find out how.

SEE ALSO: What Does It Take To Build The Home Automation System of Your Dreams

Energy Savings

Lutron, our lighting control partner, is a well-known brand with decades of experience. So how do these systems save on energy costs? Occupancy sensors can detect if someone is in a room, and turn off lighting after a period if there’s no one there. Outside lighting can be programmed to turn on and off at specific times of the day. Lutron’s Serena and Sivoia motorized shading systems can control outside light, helping with temperature control and taking advantage of natural light.


Why install a bank of ordinary light switches – or even dimmers – where you have to manually adjust everything to get the right level of light? Lutron can incorporate multiple lights into one switch.  For example, a switch called “cooking” in the kitchen could turn on under-counter lights, island lights, and overhead lights to just the right levels for making dinner. 

Instead of going around the house and turning lights off before bedtime, a Lutron system can provide a single bedside button to turn off all unnecessary lights – and also leave some chosen lights on for nighttime path lighting. You could also add control of lights from your smartphone, giving you the ability to turn on lights as you arrive home, or to turn things off after you leave. 


Beyond convenience, there is luxury. Luxury is the ability to create scenes based on times of day or activities.  For example, one button can dim all lights appropriate for watching a show in the family room.  A “party” button can set lights in multiple rooms and spaces, inside and out, to the perfect levels conducive to entertaining.  With the right LED lights, you could even have color control in your lighting. You could adjust the white lights to warmer or cooler tones, and even have shades of color in your lights – perfect to fit a party or a mood. 


Lights can also provide a measure of safety and peace of mind. Lutron Lighting control can turn on lights in areas where sensors detect activity, like a dark rear entryway. It can also turn on lights in changing patterns to make it appear as if a home is occupied when it isn’t. This mode can be programmed into a button labeled “away” or “vacation” on a keypad. Better yet, this capability can be integrated with a smart home automation solution that can help you monitor your home while you’re not there.

Better than telling you, let us show you all the benefits of lighting control for your Westlake home.  Contact us today.

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