See Also: What is the Best Way to Experience Your Home Audio?

Control Lets the Sound Follow You

control system like Savant, one of our brand partners, allows you to fully utilize your audio system with convenience. Manage audio settings for multiple strategically placed speakers throughout your house from one universal interface so that your music or audio from a show follows you throughout your property. That way, you don’t miss a beat taking time to adjust everything manually in each individual room.

What makes whole home audio so great is that you can control the music in any room from one source. Simply log into your control interface, select the rooms you want to manage and then select the playlist or song you want to play through your in-room speakers. The video below details the process further.


So when you have guests over, with some outside or scattered throughout the house, you can ensure that all areas are receiving music. That way, everyone can stay entertained – and you can easily make alterations as the night goes on.

Versatile Speakers Make Listening a Breeze

One of the best aspects of a whole home audio setup is that the range of speakers you use can be entirely versatile.

For example, you can feature a 2-channel stereo setup in one room that delivers high-fidelity audio through high-end speakers. In another room, you might feature in-wall or in-ceiling speakers that sit flush with the surrounding material as to not cause any distraction or take up space.

You can include any combination of speakers throughout your whole home audio system so that you feature the perfect sound setup for every space in your house.

We work with trusted and reputable brands like Sonance and Bowers & Wilkins to provide high-quality audio solutions that don’t make you compromise between aesthetics and sound quality. All of our brand partners offer a wide variety of models to meet your preferences catered to your specific space.

Ready to incorporate whole home audio onto your property the right way? Reach out to us online or give us a call at (410) 494-4310.