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What are the Benefits of Distributed Video?

The Team at SES Explains 3 Ways Whole House Video Can Simplify Your Life

Ever wanted to pause a show in the living room to continue it in the bedroom? Or have both kids clamoring for access to the Apple TV at the same time? Well SES has the solution for you. SES Design Group knows that families in Houston, Texas are always looking for ways to simplify their entertainment experience, and we are here to help!

Most homes today contain a variety of video sources: digital cable boxes, Apple TVs, Blu-Ray players and home media servers – just to name a few! With a whole house video system, you can route all of your video sources throughout your entire home. What does this mean for you?

1. Consolidated Control of Multiple Sources

With whole house video, everyone in the home can watch their shows from any television without a problem, most times without duplicate equipment. Even in a large home, only one or two satellite boxes may be all that is needed to share across multiple screens. With consolidated control of all your video sources, any shows recorded on the cable box can also be accessed on any television in the home, while a Blu-Ray can be started in one room and finished in another.

2. Easy Access to Hidden Equipment

Remember the days when every input for your television was stored in plain sight or behind a bulky cabinet? With distributed video, those days are a distant memory. Whole house video eliminates the jumble of wires underneath your gorgeous flat screen, storing all components of the system in a hidden equipment closet.

SES Design Group runs concealed wires from the cabinet to each necessary room, so all you see is your screen. Sources can be sent to each room via a combination of HDMI, HDBaseT technology, or wired Ethernet cable, depending on the needs of your unique system. Additional audio can even be run to in-ceiling or in-wall speakers, for a clean and consistent look.

3. Simple, Intuitive Interfaces

With an integrated control system, SES can not only combine all your video sources but provide an easy-to-use interface to control them all. Video distribution paired with simplified automation allows for everyone in the household to view their programs in any room with a simple press on an iPad, iPhone or other touch screen device. No more trying to figure out which remote turns on the TV or other components. Simply hit play, dim the lights and begin the show.

Contact us at SES Design Group today to discuss how distributed video can change the way you view television forever!

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