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Want a 4K TV? Here Are a Few Key Details to Know First.

Want a 4K TV? Here Are a Few Key Details to Know First.

Make sure you get the most from your investment.

If you’ve been considering a new TV, chances are, you’re thinking about a 4K display. After all, most of what you see in stores carry that label, but how can you make sure you’re getting the real deal? And how can Home Theater Technologies set you up for success?

You’ll find out that information and more through this blog, so keep reading to discover more about 4K TV and how to optimize the technology for your Westlake, TX, home.

SEE ALSO: What Makes 4K Ultra-High Definition Displays Outshine the Competition?

Wiring Requirements

Wiring gets a little trickier with 4K displays, so we highly recommend enlisting our help for the configuration and cabling updates. Even when you have a 4K TV, if you're operating on HDMI cables, you might not be seeing true 4K.

We would have to upgrade your wiring to HDMI 2.0. We use cables that can support 4K displays and latency-free audio. Depending on your home needs, we’d run either fiber-optic or HDBaseT for their quality picture and sound transmission, without clutter.

Bandwidth Details

Be aware that you will need higher bandwidth to stream 4K content. Streaming providers like Netflix and Amazon require at least 15Mbps to support its 4K offerings.

Homes without secure networks, however, face some interruptions if other family members try to stream music in another room or another activity that consumes too much bandwidth.

In those cases, coverage could momentarily drop, and you’ll be forced to watch HD until your network can handle the 4K picture again. If you need networking support, Home Theater Technologies can manage that, too. We have years of experience configuring systems that work efficiently with all your complex A/V requirements. 

Some Specs to Consider

If your 4K display doesn’t meet a few specifications, you might not be getting the best and brightest resolution. These TVs have been around for a few years, but you need one with optimized technology to animate your favorite entertainment, so we’ll make sure the display we choose for you has the following characteristics.

  • We check the frame rate. Experts agree that a frame rate of around 100 per second creates a seamless experience for action movie and sports buffs.
  • We inspect the resolution. Your screen should have about 8 million pixels, fitting in about four times the number of pixels by doubling the amount both vertically and horizontally. We usually select TVs with 3840x2160 resolution specs.
  • We look at HDR brightness/darkness capabilities. We expect the brightest whites and deepest darks in a high-resolution TV, which adds drama and life to each image.
  • We also examine color depth. We seek out 10-bit color depth, for more than 1000 shades of each primary color.

Need More Support?

Finding a display that suits your lifestyle and then wiring it for optimal 4K picture proves a challenging task without expert help.

To complicate matters, so many of the TVs you see advertised as 4K don’t even make the cut. Home Theater Technologies will help you sort through the dupes and find and install a display that gives you the quality you deserve.

Let us transform your media room or theater with TV’s most talked about technology. Just call us at (817) 381-7262 or chat with us using the box to the bottom right.

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