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Virtual and Physical Protections for Your Business

Virtual and Physical Protections for Your Business

Commercial Automation Solutions Are Available to Keep Your Company Safe

If you’re running a business in the Jersey Shore, you know that the key to success is maintaining your reputation. As you deal with clients and partners over the years, you tend to gather all kinds of sensitive information – credit card numbers, social security and other things that could be damaging if they fell into the wrong hands. That’s why protecting your business physically and digitally is key to thriving in today’s marketplace. In this blog, we’ll discuss some commercial automation features you can implement to keep your clients and assets safe.

See Also: New Year, New Opportunities: Commercial Automation Solutions

Network Security

In a connected world, your business lives and dies on internet access. Not only will it help you stay connected with customers and clients, but it will help you take control of integrated lighting, shading, HVAC and AV, which can ultimately streamline your services and save you money. But being connected to the internet presents dangers to your network – like hackers, robots, malware and viruses that can get into your computer system and do real damage. Here are some smart security features we can use to protect your business:

Firewall: The first line of defense against any outside eyes prying into your system, the firewall blocks unauthorized users from getting in. Setting a firewall that can recognize and block potential threats while allowing full freedom of movement for your staff is essential.

Antivirus Software: Despite its name, antivirus software has evolved from simply virus-protection to a full-fledged guard against viruses, malware, Trojan horses, spyware and adware. It’s capable of quarantining any potential threat so that it can’t self-replicate and infect every device connected to the network.

Virtual Private Network: Among the most important tools for running a safe business online is a VPN. It allows you to share valuable information, communicate among staff both remote and onsite and access a central server while remaining only accessible by those with the right credentials.

Access Control Systems

If you’ve been following our blogs, you know that automated entry systems can be integrated into your doorways to give you remote control over who gets in and out. But did you know that you can also install access control components on internal doors, and give your staff exclusive permissions to enter and leave certain rooms?

Keyless entry has been around for decades, frequently taking the form of keycard access. However, today’s systems are even more advanced now that biometric sensors have become cost effective for most businesses. Unlike keycard systems that have components that can be lost or stolen, biometric entryways use parts of your body – usually your fingerprint or retina – to unlock doors. That way, you’ll always know with unfailing accuracy who is moving throughout confidential areas of your building.

Are you ready to enjoy the safety and security of these commercial automation solutions? Contact us today for more information.

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