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Spruce up Your Medical Spaces with Commercial Audio Video Solutions

Spruce up Your Medical Spaces with Commercial Audio Video Solutions

Smart Technology Brings New Opportunities to Your Private Practice

When running a private medical practice, it’s important to keep your patients happy. First, you want to offer them top-of-the-line care. But what about the patients in the waiting room, or those who are stepping into your office for the first time? You want to make the right impression on them, while streamlining operations for the staff. Commercial audio video solutions can be implemented in your Moorestown, New Jersey medical space to revolutionize the way you receive and care for your patients. Click below to learn more.

See Also: New Year, New Opportunities: Commercial Automation Solutions

Transform Your Waiting Room

A staple of many waiting rooms across the country is the television. Mounted high on the wall, usually in the corner, it’s designed to keep patients entertained and informed while they wait for their appointment. But what if the television in your waiting room could work as simply and effectively as the one in your home?

Smart TVs can stream content from Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime, meaning you don’t have to have a library of DVDs taking up valuable space in the file closet. Wireless networks can stream more than just entertainment to your Wi-Fi-enabled TV. Stream promotional material, infographics and other items that may help keep your patients informed about who you are and what you do.

Keep Your Private Practice Private

If your practice is running with an appointment-only policy, it’s important to reduce the hassles of walk-ins that may disturb day-to-day operations. The simplest way to do this is to lock the door. But you don’t have to accept further complications of having to get up and unlock the door for each patient who comes in.

Perfect for at-home offices and commercial spaces alike, automated entry systems offer one-touch solutions to locking and unlocking the door. Combine with a smart doorbell featuring video capabilities, and you have the perfect way to make sure only authorized persons make it through the door. Your receptionist won’t even have to leave their chair. After the identity is confirmed, a single button allows you to lock or unlock the door.

Settle in With Office Audio

It’s been proven that music can affect moods deeply. Why not take advantage of this by streaming calming, soft music throughout your office?

Each space is different, and there are plenty of options available. From small, wireless speakers in the administrative areas to architectural speakers in the examination room, you can use zone controls to choose a different playlist for each space, or stream the same content to every area. It’s convenient, calming and will surely make your patients’ visit remarkable.

Are you ready to upgrade your private practice with commercial audio and video? Contact us today.

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