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Prepare Your Houston Home for the Holidays

Prepare Your Houston Home for the Holidays

Home Automation Systems Make the Season Merrier

Throughout the holiday season, take some time out of wrapping presents and stringing lights to make your life easier. Introducing a home automation system to your Texas home will make the everyday more extraordinary, plus elevate the special occasions like Christmas and New Years. If you provide yourself this early present, you will see how much easier it is to prepare your home for parties, overnight guests, and family events. In this article, we will explore several smart home services that will enhance the holiday season and how they would work in your home. If you don’t want to start a construction project now, you can always start small with a few services or rooms and build on after the New Year. To learn more, read on.

Lighting Control

Lighting control is a great place to start a home automation system. For one thing, it has a dramatic impact on the way your home looks. You can highlight your favorite piece of art or your home’s architecture with the right lighting plan. This will ensure that your home is looking its best for your holiday party or Christmas card photo.

However, the biggest impact on your lifestyle from lighting automation comes from the ease with which you will control them. All of your lights will be under one home system that can be controlled via remote controls, touch panels on the wall, tablets, or smartphones. You can change the setting of any light from anywhere in your house--or from anywhere you are. This also allows you to create a lighting “scene,” or a collection of settings that develop a specific mood. For example, you can create an optimal lighting plan before the party begins so that, on the night of the party, you only have to press one button for perfect lighting. You can rest assured your lighting is setting the right scene and enjoy your party.

See Also: Is Home Automation In Houston One Size Fits All?

Home Audio

Nothing creates the holiday mood more than Christmas music. Even if there’s no snow on the ground, a whole home audio system will ensure you get in the spirit. There are many sound and music management systems to choose from. Working with an integrator will make sure that the whole system syncs with your home and lifestyle. They will help you find the speakers that produce the best sound based on your home’s acoustics and a music management system that offers your preferred streaming service. So, whether you’re wrapping presents or entertaining guests, you can enjoy high-fidelity sound.

Home Surveillance

Maybe you’re taking a trip for the holidays. Whether you’re visiting family or getting away from it all, you want to know that your home is safe while you’re gone. With a smart home security system, you can enjoy your holidays in peace. You can, for instance, install cameras that stream video to your smartphone or tablet. That means you can keep tabs on your property from anywhere with an internet connection. You can also install sensors or locks that will send you alerts if anything unusual occurs.

Your home security will work even better when you incorporate other smart technologies. For instance, you can create a lighting schedule that mimics human behavior to deter any burglars looking for empty homes. You can even employ your audio system in the name of security to blast an alarm if your property is breached--this is especially effective with outdoor audio. When your whole home system works together, everything works better.

Want to make home automation a new holiday tradition? Contact SES Design Group today, and we can get started create your ideal home environment.

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