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New Year, New Opportunities: Commercial Automation Solutions

New Year, New Opportunities: Commercial Automation Solutions

Build a Better Business With Advanced Video Solutions in Your Retail Space

Pretty soon the New Year will be upon us, and it’s time to prime your Haddonfield business for an even bigger 2016. Our custom commercial automation solutions are the perfect way to enhance the way your retail space looks and feels, offering a refreshing and streamlined experience for your customers. Save time, save energy and stay safe with intuitive smart technology like digital signage and 4K surveillance cameras. Read on to learn more.

SEE ALSO: The Top 4 Ways to Maximize Video Display in Your Custom Home Theater

Save Time and Money With Digital Signage

Digital signage is more than simply a nifty way to promote sales, highlight items and draw new business into your store. Sure, it’s essential for standing out in the modern business landscape, but it also saves you loads of time on creating new promotions and it saves you plenty of money on printed signs.

A major problem that small businesses face is building their brand. You may have the most fashionable clothing in stock, or the latest techie gadgets lining your shelves, but you need to promote your merchandise in order to garner interest. Digital signage is a dynamic way to draw attention to your business – and you can completely transform the look and feel of your space with the touch of a button.

Want to let customers know you’re having a sale? A few commands on your tablet or computer will make it possible. In the past, you would have to figure out which items you wanted to promote and head off to a printer to create the signs. With digital signage, you can run an image as soon and you’ve created it, and even run multiple promotions throughout a single day. It’s easy, it’s fun and it’s the attention-grabbling boost your shop needs during the post-holiday down season.

Stay Safe With Smart Surveillance

Of course, with all of the new foot traffic your new digital signage is bound to bring in, you’ll want to enhance your security as well. Assets protection is key to any small business remaining profitable, and it’s as simple as streaming HD video on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Today’s surveillance cameras are not only capable of recording, storing and viewing in crisp 4K, but they also feature facial recognition, motion sensors and 360 degree viewing angles, so every corner of your space remains protected.

Ultra-high definition or, 4K, has become a bit of a buzzword in the realm of home theaters and media rooms because of the unparalleled quality of the image. But it’s more than just a gimmick; it’s a practical upgrade to all of your video displays and recording technology, and IC Realtime has made it possible for your surveillance systems.

The higher resolution does more than just make the image crisper – it makes shooting in higher frame rates possible, so your security footage won’t be hampered by motion blur and juddering. Plus, IC Realtime’s latest models are equipped with built-in sensors and gyros, so you’ll be able to explore the different aspects of the footage even after it’s been shot.

Are you ready to upgrade your business with commercial automation audiovisual solutions? Contact us to learn about even more ways that we can enhance your working environment.

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