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Lighting Control is About More Than Convenience

Want to enjoy greater convenience and save some energy to boot? Then you should look into a lighting control system.

A lighting control system can automatically dim your lights, enact preset “scenes” so only the fixtures you need come on, automatically turn on and off lights so you don’t have to run around the house to do so, and interact with other home systems such as motorized window shades, security systems, thermostats, and whole-house control and automation systems.

There are many types of systems available, in a variety of configurations and price points. You can have a fully wired system if you’re building a home or addition. If not, no worries, opt for a wireless system that transmits commands over radio frequency signals instead of wires. A combination of the two works for many homeowners.

Many lighting control systems today incorporate motion and occupancy sensors to turn on and off lights automatically. And some lighting systems are starting to work hand-in-hand with shading and thermostats. Lutron, for example, offers this seamless integration in its wired HomeWorks QS and wireless RadioRA 2 systems. If a sensor detects too much sunlight coming into a room, or if the temperature exceeds a certain point, the shades can automatically descend. Conversely, the shades can open to harvest daylight and warmth from the winter sun, while triggering lights to turn off.

Whole-house lighting control systems are available from companies including Lutron, as well as home control companies Crestron and Control4. Digital Interiors can use resources from one or all of these companies to create a custom solution to fit your needs, lifestyle, and budget. Call us at 770-844-5800 or use the convenient "Contact" feature on our website.  

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