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Key Drivers in Smart Home Adoption

Key Drivers in Smart Home Adoption

The need and want for smart homes is rapidly growing, as Gartner Research “predicts that by 2020, there will be approximately 25 billion Internet of Things (IoT) enabled devices. Out of these 25 billion, millions of them will be used to help consumers automate their homes.” How is this possible? Internet connectivity.

Internet connectivity is crucial for smart homeowners as the convenience of being able to turn light on/off from across the country, see what your puppy is up to while you’re at work, or adjust your thermostat without getting out of bed can all be done from a smartphone or tablet.

Depending on consumer demographics, word association with the phrase “smart home” may mean anything from The Jetsons, to projectors and screens, to a house-wide HVAC system. So what are the key drivers in smart home adoption?

• Security • Lighting, temperature, and climate control • Kitchen and other home equipment such as fire alarms • Home entertainment

Consumers often choose their smart home products based on functionality. Have you thought about living easier?

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