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Is Your Home Secure While You’re Away on Vacation?

Is Your Home Secure While You’re Away on Vacation?

Protect Your Westlake Property with A Smart Home Security System

There are few things more beautiful than Texas in the summer, but sometimes you need a change of scenery.

Vacation is the time to take it easy and relax with family and friends, but it’s hard to achieve serenity when you’re worried about the security of your empty home. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, burglaries occur more frequently in the summer, mainly because people are spending more time away from their property.

Fortunately, advancements in smart home security systems make it possible for you to enjoy your vacation without fear. Read on to learn how to protect your home in the Westlake area with features you can access from anywhere with an Internet connection.

SEE ALSO: Get Peace Of Mind During The Holidays With A Smart Security System

Check Security Cameras from Any Device

You may be miles away, but you can keep your eyes on your property with a security camera system that monitors the exterior and interior of your home.

Mounting cameras in vulnerable areas will give you peace of mind, and connecting them to an Elan smart home control system allows you to check the feeds from anywhere in the world, as long as you have some sort of an internet connection.

Cameras equipped with sensors will send you an alert if there are any significant motion events, and two-way audio makes it possible to notify intruders that you have contacted the authorities. Check out the video below to see how simple it is to switch between cameras within the Elan interface.

Control Lighting to Create the Illusion of Occupancy

A house that stays completely dark for an extended period becomes a target for burglars scoping out a neighborhood.

A Lutron lighting control system allows you to create specific scenes that make your home appear occupied, and these can be changed with a few taps in the Lutron app. Light the common areas earlier in the evening and the bedrooms at night to mimic your everyday routine.

Exterior lights are also a major deterrent for criminals, and these can be manually turned on and off or set on a timer. 

SEE ALSO: 7 Aspects Of A Great Security And Surveillance System  

Receive Immediate Alerts in Case of Intrusion

If you’re not interested in a full surveillance system, you can still be aware of activity on your property by setting up sensors that alert you to any unauthorized visitors.

Any tampering with smart locks and windows sends an alert, and connecting sensors to lighting and audio systems results in immediate action even if you happen to miss the notification. If sensors pick up any human activity, they will trigger outdoor lights, and you even can blare a prerecorded message that announces detection and warns of the imminent arrival of the police.

You’re on vacation and don’t want to be tethered to your device, and this feature ensures security if you’re not immediately available to respond.

Want to find out more about how a smart home security system can fortify your Westlake-area home while you’re sipping margaritas on the beach?

Reach out to one of our specialists by chatting live with us below, calling us at (972) 488-5100 or filling out our online contact form.

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