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Introducing Smart Systems' Lighting Design Services!

Introducing Smart Systems' Lighting Design Services!

Learn more about our comprehensive lighting offerings and why they matter for local architects

At Smart Systems, we’re pleased to announce that we’re now offering lighting design services in-house to broaden our scope. We’re proud to become full-service lighting company for the Dallas, TX, area.

If you’re an architect, you’ll reap several benefits from this transition that we’d like to illuminate later in this blog. Keep reading to see how our on-staff lighting team will help architecture professionals improve new home builds, work more seamlessly with designers and better understand the intricacies and importance of lighting. Don’t miss the many perks associated with our added services, which we’ll highlight below.

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Light on Design

Lighting design impacts a homeowner’s experience in more ways than we probably imagine at first. For example, the standard lighting design of a few overhead “can” lights illuminate more of the floor than the architectural details, artwork or surrounding people, much to the disappointment of the homeowner.

This traditional framework misses the many lifestyle advantages that well-designed lighting can demonstrate. Clients today have heard about circadian rhythm and how color, tone and brightness affect moods and overall health, and they now expect their illumination to look good while improving their health. They also might want to boost their entertainment areas so they’re lighting provides a party vibe, or highlight their unique paintings.

Enter lighting design. With these added services, we’re well prepared to strategically integrate illumination systems that pays homage to both engineering and design while demonstrating even greater value to local homeowners and fellow professionals alike.

How In-House Services Help Architects

Now that Smart Systems serves as a one-stop-shop for your lighting design needs, you don’t have to look around for a lighting designer to enhance the installation. Smart System fulfills the lighting design, implementation and support process, from start to finish.

We can meet up with other professionals, such as architects like you and any interior designers to discuss our plans with clients; we can also strategize by comparing notes, ideas and blueprints as a group.

What will this look like? You can point out any architectural details the client might want to accentuate. Not only will we install the fixtures, we’ll also plan their most attractive placement, synch their lighting to other integrated features, plan circadian rhythm schedules, connect drapery tracks to Lutron controls and much more.

Why Lighting Design Enhances New Homes

New homes probably benefit most from customized lighting design because architects can collaborate with the design-build team at Smart Systems to lay the groundwork.

We’ve managed countless retrofit lighting projects, but we’ve found no better way to create with architects than by taking advantage of the freedom and flexibility inherent in a new build.

If a homeowner wants to enjoy the benefits of a wired lighting system, like HomeWorks QS, for example, we can set up racks, install numerous fixtures, program schedules set up drapery tracks, etc. – without disrupting your blueprint.

Contact Us Today!

Ready to mutually explore superior lighting design and the impact it makes on homeowners’ spaces? With this enhanced service scope, we look forward to better serving local professionals and pleasing clients.

Reach out by giving us a call at 972-488-5100, or fill out our quick contact form to schedule a no-obligation consultation. We can’t wait to speak with you!

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