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How the Bad Network Installation Stole Christmas

How the Bad Network Installation Stole Christmas

Our Network Tune-Up Service Gets You Ready for the Heavy Holiday Load

It was the night before Christmas, and all through the house, smart devices were hard at work. Smartphones, iPads, door locks, smart TVs, and more – each device competed for bandwidth on the Fort Worth, Texas home’s network.

The time of joy and festivities was spoiled by slow loading times, lag, and WiFi that was there one minute and gone the next! The family couldn’t stream their favorite Christmas movies or enjoy holiday tunes over their multi-room music system. In short, their holiday entertainment was less “Whoville fun” and more “Grinch gloom.”

Silly analogy aside, the holiday season really does put a strain on the average home network. And if your network installation is out of date or a DIY hodgepodge, you may find yourself in the situation described above.

That’s where a network tune-up comes in.


What is a Network Tune-Up?

A network tune-up is a service we offer where we make sure your network is running at peak performance.

Just like a car, you can’t expect your network to run forever without any maintenance! Instead, you need to fix any small issues that could be causing lagging, security risks, spotty Wi-Fi, etc. before they turn into big issues.

With this service, we take a look at your network and identify any areas that need to be improved in preparation for hosting friends and family for the coming holiday. This includes a network security audit, assessment of WiFi setup, evaluation of your internet speed, and more. If we find minor issues, we’ll fix them. If we find big issues, we’ll bring them to your attention.

The result? You’ll have reliable WiFi throughout your home. You’ll be able to stream media whenever, wherever without delays or dropped signals. And no matter how many family members connect to your network, they’ll all be able to browse the internet without issues.

In short, you’ll be able to host friends and family without having to worry about resetting the router or waiting for movies to load. It may not seem like a big deal, but it’s one of those things that you shouldn’t have to deal with while you’re trying to enjoy quality time with loved ones.

How Do I Schedule Service?

By giving us a call at (972) 488-5100! You can also fill out this form – just put “Network Tune-Up Service” in the subject line and let us know of any immediate issues you’re having with your system, and we’ll reach out to you to schedule the tune-up!

Happy holidays from the Smart Systems team.

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