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How Smart Boardroom Technology Improves Your Business

How Smart Boardroom Technology Improves Your Business

Commercial Automation Systems Help Your Business Run Smoothly and Efficiently

Your boardroom is the heart of your workplace; it’s where your staff comes together to receive direction and information, and it’s where you meet with potential clients and others to show what your company is capable of. In today’s business climate, you need every advantage you can find to help your company succeed, and that includes the technology in your boardroom.

Time spent fussing with presentation systems or trying to set up a conference call is time you can’t afford to lose, and subpar technology makes a bad impression on potential customers or guests. Here are a few ways commercial automation systems can improve the boardroom technology of your Little Rock, AR business.

SEE ALSO: More of our commercial automation solutions


Your focus during boardroom meetings needs to be on the material you’re presenting, not trying to manage your presentation systems. If your current conference call system is giving you trouble, it’s time to move to an all-in-one video conference system.

One popular video conferencing option is the Crestron Mercury system. These touchpads are easy to use, have built-in wireless presentation technology, HDMI connectivity and easily connect to any laptop through a USB hub. Crestron Mercury systems are made to handle whatever presentation software you or your clients want to use, freeing you to spend more time getting productive work done and less time worrying about cables or getting a presentation to open.


Another recent innovation that can make your boardroom smarter is a digital whiteboard. These screens have sharing software that allows whatever is on screen to be displayed on a TV or via a web browser. Digital whiteboards also automatically save a screenshot of the changes made during a presentation, and those screenshots can then be put together into a slide presentation for viewing later on. When you look at what all these relatively simple pieces of technology can do, they’re a no-brainer addition to your conference room.


Incorporating an automated access and scheduling system is a great idea not only for your boardroom, but your business in general. These systems allow employees to book a room remotely for a meeting or project and see who else has reserved the room for a particular time. This cuts down on scheduling confusion while also making it easier to get more work done.


Another system that’s applicable to both your boardroom and your workplace at large is lighting control. This smart solution can help you reduce your energy costs while making your building a more pleasant place to work. Sensors and automated scheduling systems can make sure lights are only being used in places where your employees are actually working, while tunable lighting helps your workers feel more comfortable and productive by creating light conditions that better reflect their natural circadian rhythms.


With so many more connected devices being used in our jobs, a business’ computer network needs to be able to handle the additional load while still delivering a high performance. If your network is giving you trouble or you’re just concerned about keeping your important data secure, our automation experts can give your system a tune-up to make sure your system isn’t slowing you or your employees down.

To find out more about any of these boardroom technologies, call Audio Dimensions’ Little Rock office at (501) 223-1115 or visit us online.

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