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Houston Smart Home Controls: Control Your  Home or Business Using Your iPad!

Houston Smart Home Controls: Control Your Home or Business Using Your iPad!

Houston Smart Home Controls: Control Your Home or Business Using Your iPad!

Houston Smart Home Controls: Control Your  Home or Business Using Your iPad!

Over the years, Apple has changed the way people experience and use technology. The iPad, when it first came out several years ago, had a major impact as a smart home or business interface for controlling lighting, HVAC, audio, video, motorized shades and any other technology that is integrated into a home or business.

Today Sound Entertainment Soltions (SES) uses the iPad on most of our home and business automation projects. Manufacturers like Control 4 and Savant all offer similar applications for the device. 

Here is a quick run down of the three biggest home automation manufacturers and their iPad app.

Control 4

The Control 4 home automation iPad app is a practical application that controls the main automation functions in a smart home or business. The Control 4 solution is good for homes or business that do not require a ton of customization.


At the core of a Savant platform is Apple. The processor Savant utilizes is an Apple Mac Mini. This is the main processor for controlling all automation functions in a home or business. Savant's TrueControl solution takes full advantage of Apple's iPad, iTouch, and iPhone making it simple for users to control all of their devices. 

Key Takeaway: No matter the control device or iPad app being used, the most important element to selecting the right solution for your home or business automation project is finding a reputable dealer that can design and install the proper equipment into your living and working environment.


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