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Host the Ultimate Outdoor Party with Landscape Lighting

Host the Ultimate Outdoor Party with Landscape Lighting

Find Out How the Right Solution Turns You into the Perfect Host

The cold weather seems to finally be behind us. What better way to celebrate than to invite your friends and family over for an outdoor get-together in your Sugar Land, Texas home. Make sure everyone has an unforgettable night with a landscape lighting system that shows off your home's best features, highlights your entertainment and ensures everyone stays safe throughout the night. Read on to find out some ways the right lighting solution can be an indispensable hosting partner.

SEE MORE: How to Get the Most Out of Your Landscape Lighting

Bring People Together

If you’re inviting people from separate groups, it can become a challenge to get them to interact with each other. Get the day started with a ‘Party’ scene that turns on light fixtures in areas where you want the party to take place. Get people to congregate around your main entertainment zones where they can watch your weather-proof television and enjoy music from your landscape speakers. Subtly make it clear where you want people to be and what places are off limits by encouraging people to gravitate to well-lit areas.

Set the Right Atmosphere

Why not have a bit of fun with your lighting? Depending on the kind of event you’re hosting, you can play with the intensity and color of your landscape lighting to set the right tone. If you’re having a fancy dinner party, cast your pool and patio in a delicate white light. If you have a more rambunctious crowd over for drinks, have some fun with bright lights coloring your pool. Through centralized control from your smartphone, it's easy to make adjustments throughout the night. Just pull up your phone to change out the lighting design.

Highlight Your Home’s Best Features

Even if you’re planning for a daytime get-together, smart lighting is still important. Even during the daytime, you can use bright, colorful lights to highlight certain areas of your home. Impress family and friends with colorful displays on your pool or lights focused on specific architectural features. To conserve energy, schedule these lights to come on around the same time you expect guests to arrive.

Keep Darkness Away With Schedules

Darkness can be a damper on any party if you’re not prepared. Keep things going after the sun sets with the right landscape lighting solution! You can do this by creating schedules. Set rules in your home automation system that turn on fixtures at a set time every evening. This way you can seamlessly keep the party going without guests feeling uncomfortable due to the lack of light in your patio or backyard.

Eliminate Tripping Hazards

As it gets darker, and guests continue drinking, it’s important to take possible tripping hazards into account. Make sure general walkways are well lit. You can use motion sensors so paths light up as you walk past. Even if you don’t want to go for flashy lighting, make sure there is always a fixture illuminating your pool. You don’t want guests accidently falling in and then blaming you for ruined outfits or electronics.

Let your landscape lighting be your hosting partner! Contact SES Design Group to bring a custom solution into your space!

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