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Here’s How You Can Easily Enjoy Using a Home Audio System

Here’s How You Can Easily Enjoy Using a Home Audio System

Find Out How Integrated Control Can Enhance Your Listening Experience

If you love listening to music or like to host gatherings at your house, you might immediately see the value in whole-home audio.

With speakers throughout your house playing your favorite music or audio from the big game, you can elevate your day-to-day routine or enhance your next house party.

While that might sound daunting at first (After all, how can you control such an expansive system?) it doesn’t have to be.

Through a professional home audio system installation from our Fort Worth-area team, controlling your whole-home speakers can be as simple as pressing a button on your smartphone.

Interested in learning more? Keep reading below.

SEE ALSO: Stream Music in Any Room with a Home AV System

Easy-to-Maneuver User Interface

We at Smart Systems proudly partner with Elan g! to deliver world-class home audio control systems with an effortless and fun user experience.

Once our team has connected your speaker system to an Elan g! setup, you will be able to control your entire system from the convenience of a tablet or smartphone application.

The user interface is simple and easy to maneuver. To begin playing your favorite music, all you need to do is open the application, select “media,” select the room you want to play music from and then choose the audio source.

Either you can select from one of many music-streaming services or your room’s television.

Through just a few taps of the screen, you will then be able to listen from your connected speakers.

But with Elan g!, you can take your home audio system far beyond just single-room control. We explain more in the section below. 

Customize Your Listening Zones

One of the best benefits of multi-room audio is that you can play the same music throughout several rooms.

You can effortlessly achieve this within the Elan g! application. Once you click the “Media” tab, you can select multiple rooms from which to play music. When you finish choosing those rooms, you then can decide the audio to play throughout those selected spaces.

With Elan g!, however, you can continually customize several listening zones throughout your home. While some rooms in your house might play music, speakers in a different area of your home can simultaneously play audio from the big game happening at the time.

We find this ability to customize listening zones especially helpful if you want to listen to music in one room while another family member listens to audio from a TV show elsewhere in the house.

While you both are accessing the same home audio system, you can still enjoy a personalized listening experience. 

Endless Options for Audio Selection

As we hinted at above, you have several listening options through an Elan g! home audio system.

Of course, you can use your distributed speakers to play audio from televisions. But you also will have access to several music sources that you can listen from.

Once you select the room(s) you want to listen from, you then can select the audio source. Among the options you can choose from: Spotify, TuneIn Radio, Pandora, previously stored music on your phone or tablet, and more.

With a plethora of music sources to choose from, the opportunities are endless.

You can deliver your favorite music or sound from the big game to your home’s distributed speakers through just a few taps of your smartphone or tablet screen.

Our team at Smart Systems proudly delivers Elan g! home audio solutions to homeowners throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.

Want to learn more about the options for your home? Reach out to us today by clicking the button below!

Contact Our Team of Elan g! Installers Here

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