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Did You Know You Could Do This With Lutron Lighting Control?

Did You Know You Could Do This With Lutron Lighting Control?

Explore Some of the Best Home Lighting Control Features

When you think of home lighting control, what first comes to mind? If your answer is the standard on/off switch, you certainly aren’t alone.

At Starr Systems, however, we know lighting control can encompass so much more than just flipping an in-wall switch.

As the greater Washington, D.C. area’s leading smart lighting installer, we proudly partner with Lutron to deliver innovative lighting management solutions to local homeowners – undertakings that enhance elegance, convenience, and security for every family.

In this blog, we explore some of the best features of a Lutron lighting control system that you can showcase in your home. Simply keep reading below for more.

SEE ALSO: How to Craft Stylish Lighting Designs With Smart Control

Manage Your Home’s Lights from Anywhere

A crucial component of Lutron lighting systems is that they can allow you to manage your home’s lights from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

Of course, you still can manage your home’s lights through Lutron’s fleet of on/off switches and dimmers (which also are available in a variety of styles and finishes), but you also can gain mobile access to your entire lighting system through the installation of a Lutron Connect Bridge.

Regardless of whether you start with a single-room solution or a whole-home lighting system, our team can help you accomplish just that.

From the Lutron Connect app, you then can manage the lights in every connected room of your lighting system.

Sitting down to watch TV with the family and think the lights should be a bit dimmer? Instead of getting up from your seat, simply dim the lights through your smartphone.

Heading out for work and forgot to turn off the bathroom light? Once you arrive at the office or sit down on the Metro, just use a couple taps of your screen to turn the light off – even if you’re miles away.

Of course, it’s not just your lights that you can control with a Lutron solution. Lutron offers a vast motorized window shades collection featuring several fabrics and styles that you can choose. You even can enjoy thermostat and audio system control through Lutron.

Best of all, Lutron even integrates with voice-control systems such as Amazon Alexa so that you can manage your home’s lights just through speaking. 


Another one of our favorite Lutron features is the ability to add geofencing automation to your lighting system.

This means that when your smartphone leaves or enters the proximity of your home, certain lighting scenes automatically activate.

For example, perhaps you and your family are just returning from a grocery-store run during the evening. Instead of scrambling to turn on the lights as you enter your home, with arms full of groceries, as you pull into the driveway, lights automatically can turn on to safely lead you from the front door to the kitchen.

Likewise, you can use geofencing to turn off lights as you leave for work in the morning – so that your house isn’t consuming unnecessary energy and you aren’t worrying about whether you left the bathroom light on in the first place.

Perhaps there is another way you envision geofence lighting automation helping you and your family. Our team can help you not only create customized lighting scenes that use multiple room’s lights simultaneously to achieve a desired effect; we then program your system so that these commands can happen automatically for you – or at just the tap of a button on your smartphone or in-wall keypad.

Automated Pathway Lighting

There are many reasons you might want to include pathway lighting in your home.

If you get up for work early in the morning, for example, you might not want to disturb your children with bright hallway lights. Or maybe you don’t want to be disturbed when your kids need to run to the restroom in the middle of the night.

That said, having pathway lights on all night might seem unnecessary. That’s why Lutron lighting control can help automate pathway lights.

Sensors can detect movement and turn on these lights. Then, after a set amount of time without any motion (you can choose that designated amount of time), those pathway lights automatically turn off.

It’s the perfect way to keep your family safe as they explore your house in the dark.

But what about when your family is away from home? How can Lutron lighting protect your property even while you’re gone? We explain below. 

Smart Away

One of our favorite features of a Lutron lighting control solution is that you can simulate occupancy within your house – even when you and your family might be thousands of miles away.

Through the Lutron Connect application, you can select a setting that randomly activates your lights and shades to give the appearance to an unassuming bystander that your home is occupied.

While this is certainly helpful on vacations, this is also a helpful feature for when your home is left empty during the day.

Not only can you schedule for a “Smart Away” setting to occur throughout the day automatically, but you also can activate the setting through tapping a button on your smartphone control application.

Interested in learning more about a Lutron lighting control solution for your Washington, D.C.-area home? Starr Systems is ready to help you.

Reach out to our team today by calling (410) 494-4310 or by chatting live with us below! We look forward to hearing from you!


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