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Debunking the 4 Most Common Smart Home Myths

Debunking the 4 Most Common Smart Home Myths

Get the Real Story Behind Home Automation Systems

Smart home technology seems to be progressing faster than ever in recent years. Every day products are creating new ways to smarten up your home in The Woodlands and Houston, TX area. Devices have popped up that make it easier to control lights, entertainment, climate, security and more. Even more pronounced has been the rise in popularity of home automation systems, which bring all of these devices together under one roof for easier management and greater reliability.

Although these tools offer to make homes more efficient, beautiful and safe, many people are still balking when it comes to embracing this new technology. Read on to find out how some common myths are keeping people from enjoying the benefits of smart home automation.

SEE MORE: Make Home Automation Yours with Custom Technology Design

Smart Homes Aren’t the Right Fit

For many people, smart technology still seems like an unnecessary investment. They’ve grown accustomed to the way they do things and can’t imagine why adding more technology would be worthwhile. But the best part of a home automation system is that you choose what you want to include. Your custom integrator works with you to find a solution that matches your unique needs. If something seems superfluous, just don’t add it.

Smart Technology Is a Passing Fad

Since smart devices and automation systems have just now reached mainstream popularity, it's easy for many homeowners to think they’re a fad. It’s the same way smartphones were dismissed when they first came out. Now, they’re an essential part of our everyday lives. Home automation systems have been around for years and are built to last for the long run. They’re designed to be scalable—meaning you can expand them in the future when new technology or software upgrades are available.

Home Automation Is Too Expensive

One of the primary reasons people disregard smart home automation is that they think it's too expensive. Let your integrator know what budget you have in mind and together you can figure out what scope makes sense as far as the technology you integrate and the rooms you include. It's also important to realize this is an investment that will not only reduce your monthly energy bills but increase your home's resale value as well.

It’s Too Complicated to Manage

Some people that are interested in smart technology are turned off by a lot of literature that focuses more on how everything works rather than what it does. Ultimately any smart home installation is all about making your life easier. You choose how you want to control everything whether it's through elegant keypads, a dedicated touchpad, or even voice commands. Your technician works with you to design a solution with the control options that you prefer so your system always feels intuitive.

Don’t let common misconceptions keep you from enjoying the benefits of smart home automation. Contact SES Design Group for more information on how to bring this technology into your home.

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