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Conference Room Design Basics for Huddle Rooms: What to Know

Conference Room Design Basics for Huddle Rooms: What to Know

How Technology Helps Get the Most Out of Your Office’s Huddle Rooms

If your office space is expansive, having productive meetings can be a lot to juggle.

This especially is problematic if your office space only has one conference room. From low-level to high-level employees, anyone might need to reserve the space for a meeting or video conference. And sometimes, having a single boardroom can cause plenty of scheduling headaches.

That’s why our team at Digital Interiors recommends the addition of huddle rooms to offices in Alpharetta and throughout the Metro Atlanta area.

These smaller meeting spaces incorporate conference room design so that employees throughout your team can have productive collaboration sessions and video conferences without interruption or scheduling headaches.

Interested in learning more about huddle room technology and the types of devices you can feature in these spaces throughout your office?

Just keep reading below for more.

Top-Notch Audio Video Components

The best part about a huddle room? You can host both important meetings there, or corral coworkers together for a mini-brainstorm session – the space is multi-purpose, and its technology can provide lots of solutions.

A 4K UHD screen, for example, can display clear image to present ideas, display notes, and view presentations for meetings. Complement it with a 4K UHD web camera and a robust network infrastructure so that each huddle room can support high-performance streaming for video conferences with important business partners that run smoothly, without pauses to buffer.

Another idea for a huddle room is to integrate a smart whiteboard, one that works as a typical whiteboard for brainstorming sessions but also allows you to digitally distribute those notes after a meeting and restore those same notes at a later session. An intelligent whiteboard also can allow team members to easily switch between note-taking and presentations, particularly helpful during presentations.

With such high-performance technology in multiple confined spaces throughout your office, everyone can have the tools necessary to run effective meetings. And with more spaces to meet, employees won’t have to deal with unnecessary scheduling headaches.

SEE ALSO: Check Out Some of Our Available Solutions for Commercial Systems

Lighting Control System

With an intelligent lighting system for your huddle room spaces, much like with conference room design, you can customize lighting levels with just the press of a button on a built-in, in-wall keypad or touchscreen panel.

Our team can help install a customized in-wall keypad, for example, that allows lights to dim or brighten at just the tap of a button.

For example, a “Presentation” button can dim the lights so that everyone has a clear view of the screen. A “Brainstorming” button, by contrast, can adjust the lights to a bright level – inspiring focus throughout the team.

Best of all, however, a lighting control solution also can include automation features that ensure your office space isn’t unnecessarily consuming energy. Built-in occupancy sensors can detect whether a huddle room is occupied or empty – ensuring that when nobody is using the space, lights are off and your company isn’t wasting energy keeping the lights on. 

Easy to Operate System

All the smart technology contained in your huddle room can be controlled from just one centralized source.

The same in-wall touchscreen panel you use to brighten the lights, for example, can also turn on your interactive whiteboard.

Set the scene for a meeting and manage the whole session with just a push of a button. This makes it easy for anyone on the team to step up and inspire a productive session.                                

Our team at Digital Interiors is here to help. We are Metro Atlanta’s No. 1 expert at conference room design and huddle room installations for local offices.

Chat live with us below or fill out our online contact form to schedule a no-obligation consultation with our team. We’d love to hear from you.


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