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3 Sure Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Video Conferencing Solutions

3 Sure Signs You Need to Upgrade Your Video Conferencing Solutions

Is Your Boardroom Overdue For Modern Video Conferencing Equipment?

In today’s world, more and more meetings are held virtually. Whether your company has an increasing number of remote employees, or you regularly meet with business partners online, video conferencing has become an integral part of today’s workplaces.

As we approach the year’s third quarter, ask yourself: Is your Suwanee or Metro Atlanta’s conference room equipped with the latest video conferencing solutions? In this blog, we’ll share three signs that might indicate it’s time for a video conferencing equipment upgrade and how Digital Interiors can help you.

SEE ALSO: Can Your Conference Room Keep Up with 2019?

1) You Have Many Remote Employees and Business Partners

The modern business world gives you every opportunity to interview, hire and retain top talent -- far past your city limits. According to a study by Lifesize, about 75% of remote employees use video conferencing, so start preparing now if you want your telecommuting staff to thrive. As your team expands to faraway personnel, you’re going to have to find a way to talk to them, and outdated webcam gear won’t cut it.

The same goes for virtual meetings with potential business partners. The last thing you want in a critical meeting is for your boardroom to show up in low resolution. With up-to-date video conferencing solutions, you showcase your business in a professional manner that suggests your company is ahead of the technological curve.

Video webcams with pan-zoom-tilt features will make members of virtual meetings feel as though they are collaborating in person. With adequate, distortion-reducing microphones throughout your boardroom, they can focus less on straining to hear you and more on the meeting.

Another thought: Think of how much you can reduce your travel budget by opting to teleconference instead of flying decision makers and remote employees to your location. As you can see, you can’t afford NOT to invest in improved teleconferencing equipment.

2) You’ve Noticed Unnatural, Delayed Conversation During Meetings

You’re brainstorming about strategy, and just as the conversation gets productive, you can’t hear one of the virtual attendees who’s speaking: This is a telltale sign that you need to update your audio equipment, network – or both.

What if you misunderstood someone’s perspective on a business problem or misinterpreted their words as negative, just because you couldn’t hear them properly? Also, if you keep asking someone to repeat something, you’re losing valuable time.

Digital Interiors will help you get back on track with surround-sound speaker technology and extensive networking infrastructure, if necessary. Our conference room installation services ensure every part of your boardroom can support video conferencing solutions; from providing speakers throughout your boardroom to wiring and installing a robust network that can support high-quality video conferencing.

3) Your Video Conferencing Equipment Isn’t Updated

If you’re using standard-definition video when the rest of the world has graduated to high definition and even 4K, we’d love to talk to you about a new projector and screen: We partner with top brands like Sony and Screen Innovations. We will also make sure you have enough microphones for your room as well as high-quality speakers and the speediest video-conferencing software.

Investing in all the moving parts you need won’t benefit you as much if they’re not designed to work together. Many modern offices retain legacy systems that few people on staff know how to use. What if that person took a day off? Stop waiting ten minutes to connect your meeting, and try an integrated control solution like Crestron.

Crestron’s Mercury products are turnkey tabletop solutions that connect to most major meeting software applications in seconds. When you host or attend a video conference, you can press one button, and the video and video hardware will get ready for you -- not the other way around.

Ready to Step into a Modern Conference Room?

Leave your meeting frustrations behind you and optimize your boardroom before the quarter ends. Want to get our suggestions before investing in a video conferencing suite? Call us at 770.844.5800 for a hassle-free consultation or contact us here.

We look forward to speaking with you!

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