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3 Reasons for Builders and Architects to Join the Smart Home Movement

3 Reasons for Builders and Architects to Join the Smart Home Movement

Take Advantage of Smart Home Automation for New Construction

Smart home automation used to primarily be an “after the fact” addition to homes, an addition to fully built and established residences. From there, automation trended toward custom requests for individual clients, incorporating the technology from the ground up. However, builders and architects have now started proactively incorporating automation plans into their initial construction designs, and it’s paying off. To learn about the chief benefits facing Highland Park, TX builders and architects who have started taking advantage of smart home automation, read on.


Avoid Unnecessary Rework

The old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” holds just as true for home construction. It is far more efficient and cost-effective to plan out homes with automation technology in mind initially than it is to have to rework plans halfway through construction or reopen walls to run wiring for equipment. Not only does a proactive approach to home automation planning keep builders from having to backtrack—it also helps prepare architects for instances in which homeowners know from the start that they want fully automated smart homes.

Attract Buyers

More and more buyers are beginning to view smart home automation technologies as more than just a high-end luxury. The ability to monitor home security, optimize energy management, and save time with automated “scenes” have transformed smart home automation into a popular option for homeowners across all different lifestyles and budgets. Builders and architects with automation-ready construction are going to be the go-to choice for technology-driven homeowners.

According to the Consumer Electronics Association’s 13th Annual State of Builder Technology Market Study, integrated technology is an excellent way to boost profitability for new construction. More than a third of builders reported in 2014 that home theater pre-wiring helped increase profits, with profit potential also increasing for security and structured wiring installations.

Keep Up with Technological Advances

The wiring requirements of today’s technology are vastly different than those of a decade ago. With new technological advances in home media such as 4K televisions streaming high-definition movies, the standard wiring setup simply doesn’t cut it anymore. When homes are completed without appropriate A/V wiring, the homeowner ends up having to run visible wires between rooms or pay to have new wiring run. With how prominent these technologies are becoming, that’s quickly becoming an unacceptable solution for new homeowners, who want all the benefits of smart devices without the clutter of cords and cables. 

So how can builders and architects start incorporating smart home automation into their building plans? By working with an automation expert to develop smart device-friendly plans that are sure to satisfy any homeowner’s goals. Smart Systems collaborates with interior designers, architects, and builders on a regular basis to create automation systems that are reliable for today’s technology and for tomorrow’s. To learn more about our consultation, design, engineering, and installation services, contact us today.

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