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2 Home Lighting Control Problems That Architects Face

2 Home Lighting Control Problems That Architects Face

Smart Systems Will Help You Tackle the Common Design Pitfalls That Plague Dallas Clients

Lighting plays such an essential role in how we perceive the beauty and function of a space. A cozy living room’s lighting setup invites homeowners to sit and relax, while a bright kitchen or home office makes us feel energetic and productive.

No matter what space you’re designing or which vibe you’re hoping to create, Dallas, TX-area architects like you understand that for the luxury homes that we are targeting, the client is already investing in design and aesthetics. After all, they’re hiring not only us at Smart Systems, but also you, the architect, and possibly an interior designer. They’re trusting us to engineer and design spaces that they’ll continue to enjoy, and with minimal hassle.

Keep reading to find two common home lighting control design problems facing architects and integrators and what we can do together to mitigate both issues.

SEE ALSO: Introducing Smart Systems’ Lighting Design Services!

Not-so-Simple Lighting Design

We’ve learned from experience that superior home lighting control requires layering multiple different light sources, which involves various combinations of ambient, task and accent lighting. The average end user wants comfort and convenience built into their control systems, even in the complex world of multilayered lighting design. How can we work together to solve this lighting conundrum and give clients an easy-to-use, yet comprehensive home lighting solution?

Problem 1: Wall Clutter

To properly light expansive public spaces – like great rooms, entryways, formal living rooms – Smart Systems might need to install up to eighteen loads of lighting. What does that look like to the client? That’s three banks of six-gang light switches in just one room. Imagine how messy that setup would look in a space such as a foyer, where clients want to create a stellar first impression for their guests.

Often called by its more derogatory term, “wall acne,” that much outlet clutter mars walls and distracts from architectural details. As a professional partner collaborating with you, the last thing we want is to ruin the beautiful design you’ve implemented with too many controls.

Fortunately, Smart Systems can clean up that wall clutter with panelized lighting and consolidate that into one comprehensive, attractive keypad. Lutron control pads come in a range of finishes that blend into many areas. 

Problem 2: Complex Lighting Configurations

At Smart Systems, we believe that the best lighting design for our clients both looks good and feels comfortable for them to use. Often, when we demonstrate lighting design, we show off multi-layered lighting that comprises general ambient illumination, complemented by accent and task lighting. That’s fine for us since we know how to handle complex configurations like this, but what about the homeowner? We guarantee that they don’t want to be saddled with remembering how to operate all those switches, much less actually use them. 

No client wants to invest in a lighting control system that feels too cumbersome for everyday life. With your collaboration, Smart Systems can create lighting scenes so that clients always see their home design and management in the best light. From “Bedtime” to “Good Morning” to “Party” and everything in between, we’ll configure a scene that automatically signals the right lights to activate or deactivate in just one button press.

Call Us Today!

As our team has experience installing home automation and lighting here in the Dallas area, we know the architectural intricacies that allow for a high-performing system. We are more than happy to share our expertise with you so that your design efforts match the demands of discerning clients.

Ready to simplify complex lighting functions into one elegant, integrated solution that clients will love? Just call Smart Systems at (972) 488-5100, contact us here or reach out through the chat-box at the bottom-right of your screen. We look forward to building your next project with you!

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