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Articles in Category: Wired Wireless Networks, Palm Beach FL

Spectrum Technology Integrators has Your Solution for Dropped Calls & Slow Data Spectrum Technology Integrators has Your Solution for Dropped Calls & Slow Data

Discover why this South Florida custom integrator partners with zBoost


The transition from land lines to cell phones seems inevitable, making it all the more important to have a solid cell signal in your home and office. Everyone who uses a cell phone or data card knows how aggravating it is to drop a call or not be able to connect. Fortunately, Spectrum Technology Integrators, working with zBoost, is now able to keep you connected like never before!


What IS “Remote System Monitoring?” What IS “Remote System Monitoring?”

This South Florida Home Technology Expert Unveils ihiji Invision™ & What the Spectrum Customer Care Plan means for You

Remote monitoring isn’t new. Before the cloud, however, electronics specialists like Spectrum would have to log into each and every piece of your network independently and separately. If changes were required, the command for the change would have to be uploaded multiple times to update each piece of equipment. Through Invision, we can monitor your entire system and make changes from a single connection. We can maintain your entertainment, your network, your HVAC, your lighting systems, and any device that resides on your IP network.

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