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Summer is almost here. You might be planning a big escape and looking to experience something new this year, but if all you’re focused on is travel, you’re missing one of the best parts of the season.

Of course, we’re talking about all the decadent food trends hitting eateries this year. And they can hit your next dinner party, too.

Here, you’ll find some cool, unique flavors you can experience this summer. Just keep reading to find out more.


Thai Rolled Ice Cream

Nothing screams summer like ice cream. From the sound of the ice cream truck to the hypnotic soft serve swirl, the frosty refreshment is a staple of the season.

This year, why not try something a bit different with Thai rolled ice cream? Named for its unique preparation method, liquid cream is poured onto a slate that instantly freezes it. Once it’s cold enough, the strip of ice cream is served rolled up in a spiral. It looks tempting and tastes divine.

It’s a fun way to put an international spin on your favorite summertime treat.

Fun with Veggies

Whether you’re a die-hard vegan or you simply love the full flavor and aesthetic beauty of a few vegetables on your plate, plant-based food is an important part of your daily life. So it’s time to have a little fun with them – and 2018 is a good year for delightful veggie trends.

For a fun twist on the classics that also helps reduce veg-bloat, pickled vegetables are growing in popularity. Also, working natural flavors into classic dishes, like coconut milk-infused pancakes, makes the old seem new again.

Grill up Something Special

There’s nothing like lighting up the grill on a warm summer night. Burgers, steaks, chicken and more are almost synonymous with this time of year.

But if you have a more adventurous palate, why not slap something new on the grill? This year, nontraditional cuts of meat like oyster steak and Vegas strip steak make for a unique experience.

Start from Scratch

And finally, there’s nothing better than something homemade – and that includes your condiments.

By skipping the Heinz and preparing your own ketchup, mustard and more, you can turn an old-fashioned cookout into a one-in-a-lifetime experience. Experimenting with spices allows you to dress up your meals in a way that will be entirely one-of-a-kind – and your taste buds will thank you.