Home | Blog & News | Blog | Upgrading to Dolby Atmos Is Easy When You Work With a Surround Sound Installer

If you have a home theater, you probably already have surround sound. 5.1 systems are the most popular, featuring three speakers in the front of the room, a pair in the rear and a subwoofer. This served as the de facto surround sound system for the last few decades. Many systems were upgraded to 7.2, with two additional surround speakers and another subwoofer, but the way they worked was essentially the same. If you have a traditional 5.1 or 7.2 system, there is a huge upgrade available to you through your surround sound installer, Bravas.

Dolby Atmos is a rethinking of how surround systems are designed, starting with how the tracks are engineered. Sounds are treated as 3D objects, and can be placed anywhere in space that the artist or engineer desires. In your room, speakers are added overhead to help create that three-dimensional atmosphere.

The result? You are completely absorbed in the movie or event, because it sounds like you are there. If you are watching a concert, you can actually hear that the crowd is seated above and behind the camera. In a movie, that bullet passing overhead doesn’t begin in front and end up behind you, it actually sounds like it passes through your room.

Dolby Atmos requires at least two speakers for height, and a surround receiver capable of decoding Atmos. The upgrade itself is relatively simple, but getting speakers positioned correctly can take some expertise.

If your home theater isn’t quite the experience you want it to be, consider letting Bravas take a look. Our goal as a surround sound installer is to build private cinemas that completely replace the experience of going to the movie theater, just without the strangers talking over the movie. If you are looking for an excuse to stay in, reach out to us today.