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As a rule, no house is a home without lighting. Sure, your home may be your escape from a busy working schedule, or where you enjoy hanging out with your friends and family… but none of that is possible if you can’t see your way around the property.

But lighting is also obvious. So obvious, in fact, that you may not have thought about it in years. This summer, we’re going to change that.

Your next home upgrade should be your outdoor lighting system. Don’t believe us? We’ll prove it. Just keep reading to find out more.


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the one upgrade you need to transform your backyard this season1

Enjoying Your Environment

In many cases, if you can’t see it, you can’t enjoy it. And you didn’t buy that second home in South Beach to hole up inside watching the Marlins lose.

You want to get out and enjoy the beautiful views, the humid Miami weather, and your backyard infinity pool.

What you don’t want to do is sit around in the dark.

Integrated lighting, like the kind Coastal Source offers, transforms every outdoor space – from a backyard to a rooftop terrace. With simple, centralized control, you can enjoy your environment in a whole new way.

You can transform the look of your space with the touch of a button, save it, and return to it any time you want (like when the Marlins finally turn it around in the second half of the season.)

the one upgrade you need to transform your backyard this season2

Environmentally Sound

Speaking of enjoying your environment: you want to ensure all that technology outside your home leaves as little impact on it as possible. Plenty of homeowners buy properties specifically to become closer to nature, and that’s something you’ll want to preserve.

Coastal Source has got you covered. Their fixtures are not only gorgeous, but they help you go green, too. For instance, all Coastal Source products are designed with beautiful, brass casings, which won’t deteriorate over time. Plus, they look great without dominating your space.

Moreover, each device is made with fully recyclable LED components. That means you won’t have to worry about poisoning the surrounding foliage with sub-par products.


The LED Revolution Is Here

If you haven’t been following the latest news in outdoor lighting (who doesn’t?) you may have missed the LED revolution.

Essentially, many property owners have begun switching to LED fixtures. The reasons are simple: on top of being environmentally friendly, they’re also versatile and long lasting – and Coastal Source is leading the charge.

They offer a range of fixtures that will fit all your spaces, from architectural devices that integrate with your house or apartment, plus landscape lighting that brightens up your ever corner of your backyard.

Plus, LED fixtures last up to 10 times longer than the mini-fluorescent bulbs you may be enjoying right now. That means you won’t have to worry about changing them every few months – they’ll last for years.


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