The Bravas Holodeck – Soon to be the most popular room in your home!
When Captain Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise entered the Holodeck, they knew they were in for an experience. By going to that special place, they opened themselves up to a digital and virtual experience different from their normal face-to-face life. While Bravas can’t offer you the hologram experience that Jean Luc and…
When Captain Picard and the crew of the USS Enterprise entered the Holodeck, they knew they were in for an experience. By going to that special place, they opened themselves up to a digital and virtual experience different from their normal face-to-face life. While Bravas can’t offer you the hologram experience that Jean Luc and team can, there is lots to learn from Star Trek – The Next Generation.
When working together, we can transform a seldom used room or space into the perfect digital environment to work, learn or play. That is what the Bravas Holodeck is all about. The value of this dedicated space is that we can not only make it a healthier space but for many it is a place where we can focus. While we can use big or small spaces, a great start is any room that is around 12 feet by 14 feet.
That’s enough space to create a flexible environment in which you can:
- Comfortably work and enjoy a Zoom call on a big TV screen
- Enjoy a virtual exercise class or a real time yoga class with a friend across town
- Allow your children to have a dedicated multimedia space to log into their classroom
- Let the kids take a break and enjoy big screen video games with total surround sound
- Wrap up the week with a family movie with quality better than the cineplex
What’s different
The Bravas Holodeck was designed to be easily installed and requires almost no modifications to your existing space. The genesis of this idea comes from one of our key suppliers, Rayva, to make this possible. Rayva is a leader in turnkey home theaters and creating custom experiences for any family home. They take a template of your room; help select the right technology and then wrap it all together into a beautiful design. The same approach can also work for a multi-purpose virtual space.
Rather than lots of building work, electronics, speakers, lighting, and wiring are mounted on the surface of the wall for quick installation. Beautiful Rayva panels provide style, lighting and sound treatment while magically covering up all the equipment. Rayva panels are mounted on simple rails with high tension magnets so they can be easily changed or removed for access. The covers on the panels can easily be changed if they are stained, damaged or you just decide to update your color scheme. If you choose to move your Rayva room, it’s constructed in modules so it can easily be relocated or expanded.
What’s in a Bravas Holodeck?
Working with your Bravas team, it is important to establish what you are going to use the room for. Is it mostly for virtual meetings or do you want to do movie night there too? Having defined that, we will know what goes it in. However, there are some key technologies that we would recommend some or all the following:
- Large, maybe 85” 4K TV or projector
- An immersive surround-sound system
- Integrated webcam
- Furniture consistent with how you will use the room
- A Circadian LED lighting to create the perfect mood for your activity
- Acoustically treated walls and ceiling to manage the sound from inside and outside
- Fabric wall panels which provide easy access to walls or windows
- An automated platform design to make the room easy to use and reset
- Blackout shade provided for one window
Of course, if you have other needs, we can easily add those in. Maybe a space for your yoga mat, a location for your Peloton or a quick-move desk for your conference calls. When we know how your family is going to use the space, we can get the design right.
Virtual Holiday Dinner
While COVID rages on, we are now starting to face the fact that we may be celebrating our next few holidays away from some of our family. All trying to get around one laptop has become frustrating and everyone in their own rooms is hard to manage. Maybe the answer is a holiday dinner in your Holodeck with remote family and friends on the big screen.
Once your Holodeck is designed and the technology is delivered, it will take about a week to get it installed and running. That means that starting today, we should be able to have this up and going very fast.
We would love to come and design your virtual space – let us know how we can help!