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A luxury home has little in common with a college dorm room. They don’t use the same flooring, furniture, or fixtures, and they certainly don’t smell the same. The things you see and touch in a custom home tend to be high quality, well designed, and often even customized. Why then, do most luxury homes still feature the same cheap plastic light switches that are in the average dorm room?

To make it easy and safe to navigate through your home, light switches need to be located in intuitive places, which means they tend to be very visible. Replacing banks of switches with Lutron keypads is a great start, but your average lighting keypad is still made of plastic that doesn’t fit the décor of most luxury homes. We don’t use plastic pulls on our cabinets, and we hide even high-end appliances behind millwork, so why do we allow nearly every wall in our home to be littered with cheap plastic plates and switches?

We shouldn’t, and Lutron agrees. For truly luxurious homes Lutron now has two fitting solutions, the Lutron Palladiom keypad, and the Lutron Alisse keypad. Both Lutron keypads feature incredible architectural details that fit the spaces they are installed in. Both the Alisse and Palladiom keypads are available in real metal finishes and the Palladiom keypad is also available in glass as well. The buttons feel as beautiful as they look, and the entire presentation truly elevates the lowly light switch into something befitting a magnificent home.

Both keypads work with the Lutron Homeworks QS lighting control system, which allows them to control an entire room, or your whole property, at the touch of a button. Illuminated buttons, custom engraving, and dozens of configuration options means that Bravas can create a system that is perfect for any space in your home.

If you are looking for the perfect details to build your dream home, contact your local Bravas location today to learn how we can use technology to make your home a better place to live, work and play.