Product of the Month: Sonance Invisible Speakers
If you think an invisible speaker sounds like an April’s Fools Day joke or a science fiction fantasy, you aren’t alone. Even inside the industry, the idea of a speaker that you truly couldn’t see felt a little too good to be true. The earliest versions worked well enough but didn’t sound nearly as good…
If you think an invisible speaker sounds like an April’s Fools Day joke or a science fiction fantasy, you aren’t alone. Even inside the industry, the idea of a speaker that you truly couldn’t see felt a little too good to be true. The earliest versions worked well enough but didn’t sound nearly as good as a traditional speaker. That is no longer true about every invisible speaker, so read on to find out why the all-new Sonance invisible speakers are our product of the month.
Let’s start by explaining that, unlike in a sci-fi movie, an invisible speaker isn’t invisible until it is installed. I know, I was disappointed too. An invisible speaker is a specialized speaker designed to be installed flush with the drywall, and them textured, wallpapered, or veneered over. Instead of a speaker cone directly moving air to create sound the invisible speaker actually vibrates the wall itself, essentially turning the wall into a speaker.
The technology that goes into this miracle of modern technology isn’t the exciting part, that is reserved for how it looks and sounds. Looks are easy, 100 out of 100, you truly cannot tell they are there. This means you can place them in almost any room, in almost any location, without impacting the look of your space. Sound, on the other hand, wasn’t always so cut and dry. Previous attempts at invisible speakers never sounded quite as good as their traditional competition, and in certain spaces just weren’t a great option.
The new Sonance Invisible Series line is the first invisible speaker that truly sounds comparable to a traditional in-wall or in-ceiling speaker. The sound is full and clear, and due to the fact that the wall itself is being used to create the soundwaves, seems to be coming from a large area, much like a stage full of performers at a live show.
If you are looking for a no-compromise option to incorporate music into your home, reach out to Bravas today. We will help you design a system that looks great, sounds great, and is simple to use. We look forward to hearing from you!