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Bravas has extensive knowledge and experience installing Control systems, but our big four are listed below with a few reasons why it may be a good option for you.

If you have experienced “app-fatigue” you are probably also nervous about the idea of a smart home. Who wants more apps to control essential functions of their homes? Integrators like Bravas completely agree, and we also don’t see anything “smart” about a home controlled by dozens of apps.

Control systems allow us to use intelligent products that make your home a better place to live, without a bunch of unique apps to learn, remember and use. A control system actually simplifies the process of operating your home, by taking things you already do and making them more powerful. For example, arming your alarm as you leave your home for the day could turn off your lights, set your thermostat and turn off all of the electronics in your house, without you having to even open your phone.

At Bravas we are experts with four different control systems, so we can find the right solution for any home. What system works best for your home will depend on a lot of factors, including the size of the home, what you want to control, and your comfort level with technology. We even consider things like your personal aesthetics and how big of a remote control you prefer to use.

Because we work with so many control systems, we don’t try to convince you to buy what we want to sell. We listen to you to find out what will work best, which may include NO control system, and design a system just for you.

Below you can find some simple thoughts regarding the different control systems. But don’t worry, you don’t need to know which one is the best fit for you. We are happy to work with you to determine what system will best fit your needs.


  • Beautiful Interface
  • Modern aesthetic
  • Scales well from mid to large projects


  • 20 years of experience
  • Broad catalog of solutions
  • Unmatched warranty
  • Can be used from ANY project size, including large commercial


  • Simple to use interface
  • Easy to learn
  • Reliable and consistent
  • Scales from entry to large projects


  • Most cost-effective solution on average
  • Huge range of integrations with other brands
  • Scales from entry to moderately large projects

Our Bravas teams are experts in control systems and their implementation in residential applications. Contact us today to find out how we can simplify your experience at home.