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Every December, men and women across the country come up with their resolutions for the coming year. Without exception, each year the most popular resolution has to do with staying fit. And without exception, by February the excuses are piling up as to why it didn’t happen: it’s too cold to work out outside, the nearest gym is too far away, the gym plays music too loudly. Start off on the right foot in 2017 with an exercise room in your home expertly designed to create the ideal workout environment.

SEE ALSO: 5 Tips for Designing a Multi-Purpose Media Room

Get Off to a Quick Start

Make sure you don’t waste momentum trying to get your exercise room just right. By the time you’ve turned on the lights, pulled up a playlist and adjusted the volume the urge to go back to the couch starts taking over. Instead, you can benefit from smart scenes that make those changes for you. Schedule your favorite settings for lighting, temperature, and music to come up when you tap a button on your smartphone or use motion sensors so the room adjusts as soon as you walk in. Now you can hit the ground running on your next workout.

Enjoy Your Music, Your Way

A common complaint at public gyms has to do with the music. Often patrons don’t like the playlist or the volume it’s played at. Sometimes you can barely hear it over the other members, or it’s so loud that it’s deafening and distracting. With your personal exercise room, you can create playlists from your media library or favorite streaming services. Schedule a different one every day so that your workouts don’t seem repetitive. Once you have found the perfect volume setting for the room, save it to your home automation system so you can pull it up as part of your routine scene. 

Exercise Your Mind and Body

For some people, it’s easier to commit to a workout regimen if they have something of substance to watch when they’re working out. Install a flat screen TV to enjoy your favorite newscast or sports teams while you’re on the treadmill. You can hook up a wireless sound system to your in-ceiling speakers so you can listen to history, sports or politics podcasts without having to deal with tangling headphones.

Make Adjustments Easily

Once you’ve gotten into the groove, you don’t want to break your rhythm to change a song or adjust the temperature. In your exercise room, control is as easy as changing the speed on your treadmill. You can have a dedicated touchpad mounted on your machine that lets you manage your music, video, thermostat, and lighting controls.

Make sure you stick with at least one New Years’ resolution in 2017 with a custom exercise room that lets you create the perfect workout environment. To learn more, feel free to reach out to a local Bravas partner. 

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