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Even before COVID-19, Safewise reported that 58 percent of people living in the United States report feeling worried about their safety every single day. States where this concern ranked markedly higher than the rest of the country include Alabama, Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, and Tennessee. The top health and wellness concerns in the home include falling and carbon monoxide poisoning, and one-third of Americans have experienced an environmental safety issue before, with poor air quality/air pollution and water quality being top concerns.

As we build and renovate our homes, more and more, we start to consider what we can do to make them a safe place for our family to live in and for our friends to visit. In this blog, we are to look at five ways you can bring peace of mind and some safety to your home.

Access Systems

When building a safe home, we can use access control systems to manage who can come and go from the premises. While typically found on commercial locations, more and more homeowners are using these systems to track and log who comes and goes. The idea is not just to restrict access but to make sure when someone needs to get into the home they can. Integrated with your home automation platform, a good access system ensures a safe and welcoming entrance for everyone.


A doorbell or gate system

From adverts on the television, it would seem that porch pirates have been driving the sales of devices like Ring Doorbells. To deter these pests, you may want to consider a video doorbell.   Depending on the size and layout of your home, and if you have a long driveway, you may want to add a video gate system. Combined with a home automation platform, you can now tell, almost from any room, who is at the door without having to run down the stairs or leave the poolside. 


Security Intrusion

According to the Greenwich Study of Residential Security report, homes without a security system are 2.7 to 3.5 times more likely to be subject to a burglary. So, whether you are away from your home or tucked up tight in your bedroom, a security intrusion system can bring you comfort. Modern alarm systems integrate with your whole home to make them easy to operate and simple to manage. Many systems are also used for fire detection and can summon help, even in your absence.



Safety involves more than just securing your home, so we recommend adding a surveillance system to watch it. A good video camera system does more than just watch the doors and windows. The right setup can give you the ability to see across your whole property to include pools and remote buildings. Some home insurance companies even grant the bigger discounts, as high as 20%, for systems with professional monitoring.


Detection Systems

While security and surveillance systems can watch the people who may come and go, automation can help to protect other parts of your property. Detection systems can find problems or damaged systems, like water leaks, before they become catastrophic. Reports show that the cost of repair from damage like this is on average about $200 for every 100 square foot of restoration.

Whatever your safety and security needs, there are two things you should always consider. First, what platform or system are you going to use to manage these systems from a simple and single interface? If the answers are 10 remotes and 15 apps, they will most likely not be used at all. Second, who are you going to work with to make sure all these fit together?  Bravas is designed to work with customers, builders, designers and architects to make you both love your home and feel safe in it.