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We all use our home Wi-Fi network on a daily basis, but how much do you really know about how it works? The strength of the wireless connection in your Dallas, TX home can truly impact how you experience the different technologies you own. From your laptop to your smart TV, each is limited by the speed of your wireless network. If you haven’t optimized the connection, how do you expect to stream your favorite show on your 4K television while your son downloads a new video game? Learning the basics can help on the path to seamless integration between technology and your lifestyle. Continue reading to get started. 


First, let’s cover some of the basic terminology surrounding your wireless system. When researching or discussing your Wi-FI, an understanding of these terms will provide you with a solid base from which you can later build a smart home automation system.

  • WLAN: This is another term for a typical Wi-Fi system. It stands for wireless LAN–a network of interconnected computers in close proximity, also known as Ethernet.
  • 802.11a/802.11b/802.11g: Often, the terms surrounding your wireless system can seem a little daunting. The use of numbers, for instance, can often scare people away. This number, 802.11 represents a standard with which all Wi-Fi complies. 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g represent three, popular, more specific sets of standards. Each has their pros and cons: 802.11g offers the highest maximum speed but has potential for interference. Work with a networking professional to help decide which is best for you.
  • WEP, WPA, WPA2: Each of these terms represents a type of encryption that you can use to protect your Wi-Fi. They scramble your signal so that people will have a difficult time understanding. Again, work with a professional to decide which option works for you and to make sure that you have the encryption activated on your router.

See Also: What are You Doing to Strengthen Your Network Security?


Now that you’re comfortable talking about your Wi-Fi, let’s look at the equipment you need to perfect your home’s network. The pieces of equipment that make up the building blocks of your home wireless system are:

  • Wireless Adaptors: Every device that connects to your wireless system needs to have a wireless adaptor. Each contains a radio transmitter and a receiver to send and accept messages. They also can translate encrypted messages. It is, therefore, important to make sure the type of encryption you use works with all of your devices’ adaptors.
  • Access Points: These join traditional Ethernet, with your WLAN. If you want to have a home with both wired and wireless connections, access points are the key.
  • Routers: A router is a type of access point, with several added benefits. The most important is that it expands your signal. Routers also add extra security features, like firewalls and encryption.
  • Signal Boosters: If you have a larger home and/or you want to add some outdoor entertainment, just a router might not be enough to ensure an uninterrupted connection. Adding signal boosters in strategic locations will make sure that you can use your technology in all areas. 

If you want to learn more about improving your home’s Wi-Fi network, contact a Bravas partner near you. 

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