3 Key Advantages of Motorized Shades
Form and Function Make Life Better for Houston, Texas Homeowners
There’s a reason why motorized shades are often considered one of the quintessential aspects of any smart home. Their form and functionality is the epitome of what smart home automation seeks to accomplish for homeowners—you take a tedious process and transform it to effortlessly add value and comfort. Of course, the value of motorized shades goes far beyond simply removing the task of drawing curtains each morning and evening. Keep reading to explore some of the key ways that this smart home technology can benefit your life.
Better Sleep
Light exposure has been proven time and again to significantly impact quality of sleep. The science behind this effect is based on hormone production. At night, a dark and cool environment encourages the production of the hormone melatonin, which helps foster sleepiness and relaxation. The darker the room, the more likely you are to produce melatonin. But once you are exposed to natural light, your body starts to produce serotonin, which aids in stimulating your muscles and brain.
The goal of motorized shades in this respect is to help block out artificial light coming through your windows at night, then rise in the morning at your designated wake-up time. Instead of waking to the jarring, sudden noise of an alarm clock, motorized shades assist in helping your body wake up naturally through exposure to sunlight.
SEE ALSO: Motorized Shades for Your Whole Home
Better Ambiance
Sunlight exposure isn’t only beneficial in the mornings. To keep serotonin levels high throughout the day, increase the amount of natural light in your home. Fortunately, Houston gets a lot of sunny days throughout the year, but if the shades are always drawn in each room, your body can’t reap the benefits.
That said, a brightly lit room isn’t the best fit for every occasion. One of the benefits about motorized shades is that they adapt to each environment, providing you with the ideal amount of natural light for any given activity. So when you’re sitting down to watch a movie or TV show, all you have to do is pull out your smartphone and press the “Close” button within your smart home app. Then once you’re finished, all it takes is one more push of a button to make the room bright and cheerful again.
Better Energy Management
Did you know that your smart home can work automatically to be as eco-friendly as possible? Keeping your home cool and comfortable in the Texas heat doesn’t mean you have to have a large carbon footprint. By connecting your motorized shades, artificial lights, and HVAC system, you can create an intelligent system that is constantly monitoring and reacting to optimize energy use.
As an example, the shades in your living room could utilize sensors that identify how much sunlight is entering the room. If there is sufficient natural light, the system will dim the unnecessary overhead lights, keeping the area brightly lit while saving on energy. Then, if the sun’s blazing heat causes the room’s temperature to rise, your shades can automatically lower to avoid having your HVAC system kick on. With no extra effort on your part, your home works to promote a green lifestyle.
These advantages barely scratched the surface of the ways you can leverage motorized shades to add value to your home. For more information about smart window treatments or other home technologies, contact a local Bravas partner today.